Now that the month of October is here, the countdown to Halloween begins.
Affectionately named “Spooky Season,” this month brings ghosts, goblins, spider webs and recipes full of fall flavors. However, October also ushers in something even more frightening than a haunted house –the midterm.
Whether your midterm involves several exams or projects due, October can get busy quickly. When midterms and spooky season collide, it’s the perfect time to take a seat at a coffee shop and work on assignments. Smart students seek help when they need it, and sometimes that boost comes in the form of caffeine!
Here are a few favorite fall coffee orders, as well as some helpful tips, to motivate you this midterm season.
- Pumpkin Spice Latte
As the most popular of all fall drinks, the pumpkin spice latte sometimes gets a bad name for being basic. However, this drink is popular for a reason. It’s a classic-tasting fall coffee choice that is a go-to for many coffee drinkers.
In the same way, a classic study tip for midterms is to begin studying several weeks before a test. When you return to information several times, as opposed to cramming information all at once, you retain it much better. Read through your class notes while sipping a Pumpkin Spice Latte, and do the same a few days later.
2. Caramel Chai Latte
A drink choice that isn’t coffee-based, the Caramel Chai Latte still provides the caffeine you need to wake up. It will challenge your taste buds, as it’s a drink with the complex flavors of sweet caramel and spiced chai.
Just like breaking down the flavors in a Caramel Chai Latte, try leveling up on time management. Online classes can be difficult to make time for if you don’t plan ahead. Break assignments down to smaller sections, and then set aside time to accomplish each section throughout a few days, instead of all at once. Similarly, you can break studying for a test up into multiple sections and spread them out.
3. Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew
Cold brew is an intense caffeine source, but sometimes that’s just what you need. The Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew is a perfect choice because it adds a fall kick to the popular Sweet Cream Cold Brew. The orange-colored cold foam may be off putting at first, but this drink is delightful and might even become a new classic.
A study tip to accompany this drink: try out a new classic. Studies have found that reading information out loud to yourself can help to remember it in the long term. Don’t be afraid to try this technique when studying, or even when proofreading an assignment. Using auditory learning to study is a great new way to level up your midterm preparations.
4. Apple Crisp Oatmilk Shaken Espresso
Unlike our other picks, this drink involves the fruity, fall apple flavor that tastes like a trip to the apple orchard. The shaken espresso with oatmilk is rising in popularity for good reason – oatmilk is great for anyone who needs a non-dairy drink, and it adds a different flavor.
The apple crisp drink evokes outdoor imagery, which ties in a helpful tip for when studying gets overwhelming– take a nature break. A five-minute walk outside can clear your head after completing an hour’s worth of school work. You’ll find your mind refreshed when you return to finish working.
As midterms approach, these caffeine picks will help to keep you energized and prepared. Georgia State has resources available for digital success so you don’t get “spooked” by exams!